Johanna Dolan, B.MSC., SIC, RCP, RPS
Pronouns: She/He/They
As an entrepreneur, professional coach, Recovery Coach Professional, and sought-after speaker, Johanna’s passion and mission is to help others awaken to the highest version of themselves. Through in-person and online coaching, support and video training, their clients put into action proven tools, principles, and strategies that raise them up from major setbacks, failure and mediocrity to living lives beyond their dreams.
Johanna’s work is available at their company website www.dolanassoc.com along with their blog, and podcast series Recovery Capital.
Johanna is a graduate of Robbins-Madanes Training Strategic Intervention Institute. They are a member of the International Coaching Federation and completed their coach training under teachers Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha, and Magali Peysha. Over 12+ years, they have developed and run in-person and online trainings/ events for a wide variety of organizations, including: Kolmac Outpatient Recovery Centers, Ashley Addiction Treatment, Facing Addiction, Connecticut Community For Addiction Recovery (CCAR), Recovery Coach Academy UK, the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence Faces and Voices of Recovery UK, and The Communities Project. They were also a [full/part-time] staff member at an urban inpatient and outpatient drug treatment and recovery center where they served as a member of the Clinical Management Team and developed and co-facilitated the first company-wide LGBTQ Equality training across numerous campuses.
They are a board member of the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence, the International Association of Recovery Coach Professionals, the Maryland Behavioral Health Advisory Council, the Maryland Governor’s Commission on Suicide Prevention, James’s Place Inc. and The Frederick Center (currently Board Chair), writes the Disrupting Bias column for Baltimore Outloud, and the recipient of the Maryland LGBT Chamber of Commerce Emerging Leader of the Year award. They are also an ordained minister.