(Names and photos have been changed for the sake of the family’s privacy.)
When Quinn’s second oldest child came out, they did not know how to react. “Growing up in the deep south, being gay or being trans wasn’t something you could do,” Quinn explained. When they tried to look for resources in their deeply conservative and southern towns, their search turned up empty.
Ultimately, Quinn decided to move their family to Maryland to find a safe and welcoming place for their LGBTQ+ children. Quinn spent a long time researching and found out about The Frederick Center and Frederick Pride. That sealed their decision to move to town. Soon, their second child began attending Youth Group, and since then, TFC has been a part of their whole family’s lives. Quinn’s oldest children attend Youth Groups and Tabletop nights, and Quinn themselves attend Worth the Wait, our adult support group. Even their younger children have been helped by The Center’s resources. “Kris and Glorie have helped me when my younger kids were being bullied in school for being gay. They helped advocate for me and my family with school officials.” Quinn recalled.
But the biggest impact The Center has had on the family? It’s brought Quinn and their children closer together. “My kids open up to me more. They tell me things they never felt safe to share before.” They shared. “They tell me about their struggles when they’re depressed or anxious. They trust me, and we work through it together. That wasn’t there before The Frederick Center.”
“I wanted to tell our story because places like The Frederick Center need to exist. For us, for families like us.”